Drunken family political brawl divides generations

I wrote awhile back about going to my in-laws for summer vacation with the kids. I was concerned about our differences in politics. One of you wrote and advised that I set limits and one of you wrote I shouldn’t go. We went. Politics came up and I set the limits. It went ok. I was pleased, we got along. Then we had the annual big barbecue. All my in-laws friends were there and everyone was drinking. It went south pretty fast. They spoke loudly about the greatness of Trump and how good he’d be for the middle class. I pointed out his failing businesses, his racism, his misogyny and his overall message of hate. The fight began. I admit, I handled myself poorly, very poorly. I stormed out eventually. My husband is furious with me. My in-laws told us to leave, that the children are welcome in the future, but I am not. This is a free country, he said, and my parents have the right to their opinion. I think we’re headed for divorce.


Quick: Let’s assume that your left leaning views are not a new revelation for your husband. Please review this with your spouse. Did he really expect you to remain quiet with the Trump bullhorn blaring??? Alcohol is such a messy drug and it allows us to speak without filter, clearly you did (and I love it). I am so sorry for the ugliness of the fight. My advice is that you write a letter of apology that acknowledges your differences but expresses regret for the deterioration of the annual barbecue. Thank them for their treatment of your children and express a wish to reestablish a connection where no one discusses their political views, given the differences in the family. So sorry for the ugliness. We are a country divided.


Quack: I am not above saying I told you so. Trump endorses hate and divisiveness. Your entire family is a beautiful example of this. I’ll take your word for it that you behaved badly (and yes drinking fuels many problems). The picture you paint is happening all over this country, it’s disgusting and frightening.  Hold to your beliefs and integrity but don’t act like a Trump Troll.

Quick: Oh Quacker, your gloating is so unbecoming… Perhaps you could be sympathetic to this woman’s plight and not engaged in the “happy I was right” dance. Families and politics (and religion and sex for that matter) are charged topics.