Anxious Teen Wants Weed

Hi, I’m a senior in high school. I read your advice to the anxious mom with anxious teenagers. I am a very anxious teenager. I’m not very concerned about someone going on a shooting rampage, the odds of that are pretty slim. I’m more likely to be killed driving to school. I have a high GPA, honor student and I am involved in team sports. But I can barely sleep at night, I’m jumpy all the time and I worry about everything. I have to maintain top grades, start college applications, be a good team captain and show up for my part-time job. My boyfriend suggested I should smoke marijuana. He says it will relax me and has less side effects than taking some prescribed medication. I haven’t, but I’m tempted. What should I do?


Quick: My dear senior, sounds like you have a lot going on. I am so sorry for all of your worries; the pressure of demanding academics and applying for college is huge. There are so many things you can do to manage anxiety that don’t involve weed or pharmaceuticals. Yes, yes, weed can be very relaxing, but – you learn nothing. No self-help skills, no self-soothing, no relaxation strategies. One might imagine that you cannot always burn a fat joint when you need to manage stress. It seems important to mention your young, delicate, growing brain. Ideally, and legally, you should wait until you are 21 before smoking weed. Explore relaxation, deep breathing, and meditation before going with weed or medications.


Quack:  Please remember we are Psychologists not medical doctors, we cannot give medication advice.  It is true there is much research on the medicinal benefits of marijuana, but at your age you would need a physician’s order. But let’s step back here, the first choice of help shouldn’t be drugs. Americans always seem to want an immediate quick fix; take a drug. Take a look at your life (your life makes me overwhelmed and anxious.) Try some different strategies: good sleep hygiene practice, learn and practice everyday anxiety reduction techniques, eat well, assess if there is any way to cut something from your schedule.

Author: drsquickandquack

We are Undercover Psychologists. Advice with Attitude.

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